Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Decision Making

I am proud of certain skills and abilities that I have that set me apart from the rest of you clowns. I have the rare skill of being able to make smart decisions on the fly. I know that a lot of you can make good decisions, but it usually takes time. In my case, calculations in my head are instant. Ka-ching! Here's an example of my brain at work.

Here's the situation. It's after 5th period, and it's 1:40. I have two options. Wait until 2:30 for a ride home, or start walking home. It takes me 18 minutes to walk home. If I walk home, I get to get started in my daily routine of slacking off and procrastination about 30 minutes earlier. However, it is very hot. If I choose to wait, I will have to somehow burn 50 minutes waiting. I also have no friends so waiting for 50 minutes is a very long and boring task. I calculated the opportunity costs and graphed the aggregate demand and supply graphs, and found the multiplier effect and crowding out balances. Then I chose to walk home with my good buddy Alex Fu.

As expected, it took 20 minutes. I walk up my steps, a tired blob. I look forward to getting into my house and sipping on some cool milk. And then my fast moving brain hits a wall. I forgot my keys in the house.

So I end up sitting in my backyard for 30 minutes thinking about how great my decision making skills are. I'm awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your posts lolololol... poor patrick.


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