Sunday, January 13, 2008

I Have A White Hair

I was quite saddened by the fact that I had a long strand of white hair on my head. Here's a picture so you know what I am talking about.

A picture of my white hair on a white tablecloth
while white light is shining on it.

I've made a list of my thoughts concerning this disastrous event.

1. Did I get this white hair because of stress? I hope I do not get stressed about this because then that would produce more white hairs and I'd get even more stressed and even more white hairs would appear until I look like a giant snowball.

2. I am glad I found this rebel hair before it started to spread its whiteness ideas to the other hairs.

3. Perhaps the hair was an albino.

4. Perhaps I am growing older 3 to 4 times faster than normal. This would suck because I would die in a few years. It also sucks because that would mean I'm going to start shrinking soon and I'm small enough as it is.

5. If all my hair turned white soon, I could look like an anime character because they all have crazy colored hair that's really big. And big eyes. And big heads sometimes... and big... yeah you get the pattern here.

6. Green is such a cool color. Why can't it be green and not white? Also, it's Connie's birthday today!

I don't think I'd look good with white hair. Here's a simulated picture of what I would look like. Thanks to Lensar for the original photo.

Sexiest White Haired Guy Alive


  1. That's quite the simulation.

  2. i had half a gray hair. im aging slower than you

  3. oh man, hahaha i didn't read your white hair caption so i clicked on the "picture" wondering why it wasn't loading. sigh.

    "1. Did I get this white hair because of stress? I hope I do not get stressed about this because then that would produce more white hairs and I'd get even more stressed and even more white hairs would appear until I look like a giant snowball."
    at least you'll live up to your sn

  4. can i call you frosty


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