Monday, July 17, 2006


I've gotten to the point where I am so bored that almost anything seems amusing. Such as looking through random blog's in search of something interesting. One thing stands out when I look at these blogs, one very sad thing. I'm sure that no one with a blog likes this type of thing but for some reason these bloggers keep blogging and blogging, even with the terrible curse. What curse am I talking about? It's actually more of a sickness. I like to call it the "0 comments" disease. Others call it the disease of anonymity. Still others simply call it the "NO ONE CARES" syndrome.

I find it amusing to see one person type up multiple paragraphs of their thoughts almost daily, and at the bottom of each post, there is that little thing called 0 comments. Seriously, I go through a months worth of posts, and there are a total of 0 comments. Well, maybe I'm exagerrating. Every once in a blue moon there's a spam bot commenting on the wide spread benefits of buying a bed of rock. And, sometimes there are people like me who respond with a simple, "No one likes you. Just give up" sort of comment.

And then the truly sad part comes into play. The author is stuck with the dilemma of keeping the odd comments, or acting as the all powerful moderator and deleting them. On one side of the fence, assuming there is some sort of metaphorical fence here, the author has finally recieved a comment! Someone, even if it is a spam bot, someone, has finally read his/her blog! Keeping the comment would tell the rest of the world that "yes, people do read my blog. I am popular."

But then again, this kind of oppurtunity doesn't present itself too often. The author finally has a chance to be the all mighty moderator of the blog, and strike down any comments deemed unworthy. Maybe power should be used at this moment to show the wrath of the author.

Still, none of that really matters. The point is, these people have serious problems. Think about it. People who talk to themselves in real life are looked at funny. These bloggers are essentially talking to themselves because no one else is listening. We should treat these people the same way by throwing them in a cage and forcing them to fight lions. But wait you say! Blogs could be like diaries, or journals right? WRONG! Journals aren't put out for everyone else to see, unlike blogs. So you are wrong. Again. Get used to it.

However, this whole lion punishment may seem quite a dangerous thing for me, seeing as I am treading a fine line with this blog too. But see, there is a difference between me and the common blogger with 0 comments. I'm not crazy.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Transitive Property

Here is a life altering question that I think everyone should ask themselves. Would it, or would it, be cool if the transitive property applied to real life? I have taken the effort and time to produce some examples of how cool it would be.

1. Let's say... I am smart. Jinghao is smart. Therefore I am Jinghao! And now I can run around as Jinghao and do weird stuff, such as mass murder people. And then I pop back as Patrick and run off into safety. =) Heck to make it even easier, just say both people are guys. And if the person u want to be is of the opposite gender, just say both are carbon life forms. Unless it is Joey. Joey is an alien.

2. Another userful possibility is when you are in a money jam. Let's say something costs 500 dollars, but you find that you don't have that much. Well, some people would work hard for the extra money but the cool thing to do would be to first state that 500 is an even number. 2 is also even. Therefore, 2 dollars is the same as 500! And voila! You only spent 2 dollars on that expensive useless piece of junk PS3!!

3. Last, but not least, how is this? At night, people usually are sleeping in a dark room, unless you are like me and are up playing a farming game. Anyways, Person A is in a black place. Outer space is a black place. Therefore...dundundun.... Person A is in space!!! ahahahaha die!!!!!!!

So, it is quite a pity that math is not always apparent in the real world. I mean, I could go on about taking the integral of random objects such as a desk, and turning it into what it was before, such as a tree!