Saturday, August 09, 2008

Search Engine Traffic

The picture above is a short glimpse into the search results from google and yahoo that led to my blog. I got these from Google Analytics, in case you were wondering.

The first search term is "chubber fish". I was curious what that would return so I typed it into Google myself. I got a whole lot of... nothing. I don't think there is a such thing as a chubber fish, and if there is, no one cares about it. I did stumble upon a nice family blog detailing the life of their kid, but the kid wasn't a fishy.

The second term doesn't make much sense to me. Chicks aren't chubby.

The third one is such a good oppurtunity for a fat joke but I've moved on from that. The 3rd person is probably some vegetarian wondering why he/she is still chubby. Time for a new diet I suppose.

Number four is just...weird.

Five and six are whatever. Number 6 might have even been me because I'm very forgetful.

Number 7.... yeah....

Number 8 is whatever again.

I'm just glad that I was able to help out number 9. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, just read the previous post.

Number 10 is fat joke land again. My answer to that would be to close your eyes, and tape your nose, and eat so much hot sauce your taste buds get burned off.


  1. hahha jeffrey ho basketball hahahahha

  2. can anyone tell me why jeffrey ho basketball is on there


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