Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Basketball 9/21

  • I got burned several times by someone wearing a ‘Got Ginobili?’ shirt.
  • I made zero shots.
  • My brother and I ran into each other. He was either setting me a screen, hoping I would set a screen, or wondering why I was in the way.
  • My best play was a monster block (by me) that led to an easy fast break layup (by me), only to find out that someone had been fouled before the block.
  • Also, this conversation with my mom

      [9:49:18 PM] Mom: How was your game?
      [9:49:37 PM] Patrick: good
      [9:49:46 PM] Mom: Won
      [9:49:49 PM] Patrick: lost
      [9:49:56 PM] Mom: Haha


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